Saturday, August 15, 2009

My return

After a long dry spell, I have decided to revive this ohsodead blog of mine. It's not because I was struck by a sudden urge to broadcast my life to the world again. Instead my recommencing this blog is more of a matter of personal convenience.

As some may know, I'm scheduled to jet off to Vancouver, Canada approximately a fortnight from now to further my studies. As a regular guy who has friends(i think lol), I'd be expecting quite a number of queries about my experience abroad and reciting a rehearsed telling over and over again does take its dreary toll on someone. Therefore, reviving my blog would be most beneficial as it makes it easier for everyone to keep abreast with the developments of my life over there without me having to labour repeatedly over the details.

And also, since I've decided to rejuvenate this blog, I might as well be updating it with other ponderings which may or may not be pertinent to my sojourn in Vancouver so keep watch.

Until next time, Au revoir.