Saturday, July 31, 2010


First of all, I feel deeply indebted to my beloved SFU for my annoyingly late enrollment date causing me to miss out on two prerequisite courses I was intending to take. *sarcasm* However, I will perceive it as a silver-lining as I can now make up for the lost units by enrolling in an extra Philosophy course, Metaphysics in addition to my initially intended History of Philosophy II. I am so gonna get mindfucked next semester.

On a more introspective note, I don't wanna go back anymore. Not for now at least. My imminent return to Canada, which I have been so eagerly awaiting now invokes a rather antagonistic emotion in relative to what I previously felt about recommencing my canadian sojourn. I highly doubt it is due to the attachment I have recently reestablished with my homeland. Maybe it is the dreadful yet exhilarating feeling that accompanies the experience of being out there alone, to fend for myself. To make my own destiny. Mould it with whatever hands I'm endowed with, Midas-ian or not. Success and failure hinging solely upon me, barring the capricious entity that is life. I don't know for sure.